About Erasmus+
PAPPUS is an Erasmus+ funded programme offering playful springboards into learning, using commonly found plants as a context, resource and inspiration.
Erasmus+ is the EU's programme to support collaborative education, training, youth and sport projects in Europe. It provides opportunities for over 4 million Europeans to study, train, and gain experience abroad.
Erasmus+ offers opportunities for people of all ages, helping them develop and share knowledge and experience at institutions and organisations in different countries.
It also provides similar opportunities for organisations of all sizes, including universities, charities and education and training providers.
The PAPPUS Erasmus+ project is led by the University of Gloucestershire, and supported by educational organisations from 6 European countries.
Six EU countries have contributed to this unique resource - find out more about them by clicking a flag to visit their websites.
Erasmus+ Programme Materials
This Erasmus+ programme has three 'intellectual outputs', known as IOs. The programme began with desk research and transnational meetings to explore the structure of the IOs.
IO-01 was the first key output, adapting the proposed programme of work to meet the needs of each participating nation.
IO-02 is the Toolkit of play and learning resources, alongside materials to help build a case for taking learning and play outdoors.
IO-03 is the training programme for teachers and outdoor practitioners, to help them build skills and knowledge to support play and learning with plants.